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Final Words to Titus

STUDIES IN TITUS “For a bishop must be blameless, as a steward of God…holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught…”  (Titus 1:7ff) But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for… Final Words to Titus


It’s a short and simple commandment—but it’s another thing to live accordingly. If anyone supposes that he holds the high ground in other commandments, the Sixth Commandment turns us into slinking jackals. Let’s be honest… THE SIXTH COMMANDMENT


(First of two)

In Ireland in June of 2013 the American president said, “If towns remain divided—if Catholics have their schools and buildings and Protestants have theirs, if we can’t see ourselves in one another and fear or resentment are allowed to harden—that too encourages division and discourages cooperation” (emphasis added).CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS DIVISIVE?

Remember Where You Came From

Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men. For we ourselves were also once foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another. But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of Remember Where You Came From