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ERROR’S ECHO In this series we take a look back at some of the most notorious errors and heresies that have threatened the church over the centuries, as well as the subtle (and not so… Donatism

TLH Hymn 188 “Hallelujah! Jesus Lives!”


Do you remember the last time you felt elated? If you’re an avid Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan, it was probably this past February 7th, when “your” team won Superbowl LV. Maybe it was when you caught your largest-ever walleye or bagged a whitetail buck with Boone and Crockett record book antlers. Perhaps you felt elated simply if the Thanksgiving turkey you roasted turned out juicy instead of dry.

How odd it is that we feel exuberant over such relatively unimportant events, and yet may at times fail to feel even greater jubilation in connection with an event which is of infinite importance and eternal consequence for each us—the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter morning! It may be that we simply don’t clearly see and personally apprehend the significance of that Easter event to our own lives.TLH Hymn 188 “Hallelujah! Jesus Lives!”


GEMS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT “What is truth?” So spoke Pontius Pilate. He was responding to Jesus’ declaration: “For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that… TRUTH

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WALTHER’S LAW AND GOSPEL One of the hallmarks of the Lutheran Church is its proper understanding and application of the Bible’s two main teachings—Law and Gospel. Dr. C.F.W. Walther’s seminal work, The Proper Distinction Between… Binary Code


ERROR’S ECHO In this series we take a look back at some of the most notorious errors and heresies that have threatened the church over the centuries, as well as the subtle (and not so… Pelagianism

TLH Hymn 305 (LSB 636) “Soul, Adorn Thyself with Gladness”


As we come to receive the Lord’s Supper, what is it that is on our minds? Is it the meaning of the sacrament and the great blessing from God that it is to us? Is it the cares and troubles of life in this world?

It is probably both. We come to the Lord’s Supper because we believe in Jesus Christ and treasure this sacrament that He instituted for our blessing. We make an effort to put away sinful thoughts and troubling thoughts as we come to the altar to partake of it. But we are also sinners who live in a sinful world and are not always successful at putting away unworthy thoughts when we come to Communion.TLH Hymn 305 (LSB 636) “Soul, Adorn Thyself with Gladness”

Relief in Troubled Times— Worship the Lord!


King David did not have a carefree life. He often wrote of sorrow, tears, and loneliness in his psalms. Those same psalms, nevertheless, reveal deep faith. Whatever the circumstances of his troubled times, however intense and prolonged, David trusted God.

David praised and thanked God in troubled times as well as on occasions of celebration. Giving thanks may be the last thing we feel like doing when something unpleasant comes our way. Focusing on how miserable we are, however, has never provided us with answers or solace, and it never will. Relief in Troubled Times— Worship the Lord!