Who Won?
Whether it is believed or not, truth remains truth. “What a game last night! You should have been there!” you breathlessly tell your coworker the next morning. “The lead changed every inning. Did you hear… Who Won?
I’ll never forget the day I was working underneath my rusty, little pickup truck. I was foolishly banging around on the muffler without wearing any eye protection. When a shower of rust and dust fell into… “Spot Your Own Plank First”
Recently this writer, a pastor, caught some self-described “non-denominational Christians” off guard. In connection with a pre-marriage counseling class, we remarked to the couple: “More and more religious people are becoming Nones.” “Really?!” “Yes, but… “Spiritual Nones”—Some Thoughts
“We only believe as much of the Bible as we practice.” This statement on a local church sign speaks a spiritually dangerous half-truth. The implication that everything the Bible teaches is to be preached and… Catchy One-liners Can be Dangerous