Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers
A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing – TLH Hymn 72, WS 703, LSB 515 “It’s late.” As children, we didn’t like to hear those words. It meant that it was time for bed and… Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers
A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing – TLH Hymn 72, WS 703, LSB 515 “It’s late.” As children, we didn’t like to hear those words. It meant that it was time for bed and… Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers
Audio for the hymn:
Defiance—a bad thing, or good? The parents of a defiant teenager might give a very different answer from that given by those who defy illegitimate tyrants. In truth, the moral character of defiance depends on what is being defied. Defiance can be sinful rebellion against legitimate authority, or it can be godly steadfast courage in a struggle against powerful enemies.TLH Hymn 262 “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”
Bible History is the substance of our congregations’ educational programs for children. Sunday school and vacation Bible school lessons cover history that God Himself has caused to be recorded so that every new generation can know Him. From accounts such as the Creation, the Flood, and the Passover, children learn the nature and character of the one true and living God. Especially from the history in the four Gospels they learn God’s grace and love in the life, death, and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ.
It is God pleasing that children should be introduced to Bible history from an early age. We see this in the Old Testament where God instructed Joshua to set up a monument of twelve stones as a perpetual reminder of how He had parted the Jordan for the Children of Israel and brought them safely into Canaan. Its stated purpose was that children would see it, ask what it meant, and give the adults opportunities to tell what God had done for them (Joshua 4:4-7).“Let Children Hear the Mighty Deeds” TLH Hymn 629, LSB 867
Other than what God has told us in His Word, we do not know what the future holds. Several years ago we did not know that the whole world would essentially shut down for an entire year. We did not know that churches would be closed, and we would be watching sermons in our living rooms on video screens, without the benefit of weekly in-person contact with our fellow believers to encourage us in our faith. It has been, we might say, a “night of doubt and sorrow” that was unexpected and long.
When will the next significant trouble appear on the horizon for us? Will it be tomorrow, next week, or next year? We don’t know, but we do know that the Lord has given us brothers and sisters in the faith so that we will not need to face the next trouble alone. In Bernard Ingemann’s hymn “Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow,” TLH Hymn 481 “Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow”
Bernard of Clairvaux, whom Luther once called “the most pious monk that ever lived,” said that the office of the public ministry is “Sacerdotium non est otium, sed negotiorum negotium.” Fortunately for me, the source where I came across that quote also contained the translation. The first part of it means “The office of the ministry is not leisure,” and the second part can be translated either as “but work above all work” or as “but difficulty on top of difficulty.” For those who are faithful in that office, that observation is certainly true.TLH Hymn 485 “Lord Jesus, Who Art Come”
Years ago, pastors would sometimes introduce the Creed in the Sunday service with words such as these: “Let us unite with the whole Christian Church on earth in confession of the Christian faith.” That formula, repeated week after week, was a worthwhile reminder of something easily forgotten. When we participate in a worship service, we may be only two or three gathered together in the name of Jesus Christ, but we are part of the Holy Christian Church, the total number of those who believe in Him.WS 798 “God We Praise You”
One of Martin Luther’s greatest contributions to Christian worship was his effort to collect and produce hymns for the congregation in their own language. He was insistent that people should become active participants in learning and proclaiming the Gospel through singing. For the Festival of Pentecost he wrote the German hymn Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott — Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord!
He based this hymn on a text and melody that was already familiar. There was a Latin antiphon (responsive prayer) in use that was spoken or sung at Pentecost. It went, “Come, Holy Spirit, fill up the hearts of your believers, and kindle in them the fire of your love: You who have gathered the nations in the unity of the faith through all the diverse languages. Alleluia, Alleluia.” Luther translated this antiphon and made it the first verse of his hymn, fitting it to a melody that was similar to the one heard in church. It is a prayer that the Holy Spirit would come and pour out His gifts in our hearts, gifts such as faith, peace, and forgiveness. Truly, without the Spirit’s work in us we could neither receive nor hold on to any of these blessings, as Paul teaches, “No one can say, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ except by the Holy Spirit.” (1 Corinthians 12:3 NIV84) Further, we do not ask the Spirit’s blessings for ourselves alone, but for people everywhere. We pray that He would work in others too, and unite them with us in the Holy Christian Church. Thou in the faith dost men unite / Of ev’ry land and ev’ry tongue; / This to Thy praise, O Lord, our God, be sung. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!WS 224, LSB 497 “Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord!”
Do you remember the last time you felt elated? If you’re an avid Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan, it was probably this past February 7th, when “your” team won Superbowl LV. Maybe it was when you caught your largest-ever walleye or bagged a whitetail buck with Boone and Crockett record book antlers. Perhaps you felt elated simply if the Thanksgiving turkey you roasted turned out juicy instead of dry.
How odd it is that we feel exuberant over such relatively unimportant events, and yet may at times fail to feel even greater jubilation in connection with an event which is of infinite importance and eternal consequence for each us—the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter morning! It may be that we simply don’t clearly see and personally apprehend the significance of that Easter event to our own lives.TLH Hymn 188 “Hallelujah! Jesus Lives!”
As we come to receive the Lord’s Supper, what is it that is on our minds? Is it the meaning of the sacrament and the great blessing from God that it is to us? Is it the cares and troubles of life in this world?
It is probably both. We come to the Lord’s Supper because we believe in Jesus Christ and treasure this sacrament that He instituted for our blessing. We make an effort to put away sinful thoughts and troubling thoughts as we come to the altar to partake of it. But we are also sinners who live in a sinful world and are not always successful at putting away unworthy thoughts when we come to Communion.TLH Hymn 305 (LSB 636) “Soul, Adorn Thyself with Gladness”
Folk music is noteworthy for its repetitive, straightforward lyrics and its easily remembered tunes. What Wondrous Love Is This has these characteristics and is rightly called an American folk hymn. As is usually the case with songs passed down through oral tradition, the original author or authors are unknown. The first printed version of the text can be traced back to an 1811 hymnal bearing the lengthy title A General Selection of the Newest and Most Admired Hymns and Spiritual Songs. The melody now associated with the hymn was an early 18th century English ballad and first appeared alongside in the 1835 edition of the famous American hymnal Southern Harmony. The tune “Wondrous Love” is especially suited to playing on folk instruments such as fiddles, flutes, guitars, and harps.“What Wondrous Love Is This” WS 723, LSB 543