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Great Lakes Delegate Conference, Peace Thru Christ Lutheran Church,

Middleton, Wisconsin — June 4-5, 2012 – Agenda:

1. Addressing the numerical decline in our CLC Schools — Norm Mackensen

2. Discussion and definition of ‘regular church attendance’ as it relates
to the 3rd commandment and Hebrews 10:25 — Pastor Joel FleischerAnnouncements


ILC REGENTS CALL FOR NOMINATIONS The Board of Regents of Immanuel Lutheran College invites nominations for the office of President of ILC. The current term of Professor John Pfeiffer expires June 30, 2012.  All pastors,… Announcement


2012 CLC Mission Helper Trip East Africa (Kenya and Tanzania) July 2012

The CLC Mission Helper Program is taking applications and making preparations for the 2012 Mission Trip. The number one priority of this trip will be spreading the Good News of forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life through the life, death, and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. In July of 2012 Mission Helpers will travel to East Africa to teach child evangelism lessons to thousands of member and non-member children in village congregations of the CLC-Tanzania and CLC-Kenya.Announcements



In accord with our usage and order,
Mrs. Carolyn Reim, who was called by Messiah Lutheran Congregation, Eau Claire, Wis. to be teacher in its school for first grade (all day) and second grade (afternoons) was installed on August 20 and 21, 2011.Announcement


Great Lakes Pastoral Conference September 27-29, 2011 Messiah Lutheran Church Eau Claire, Wisconsin Agenda: + Modern Media Methods—An Avenue for Ministry?—Pastor Bruce Naumann + Simplified Guide to Common Greek Grammatical Constructions for Use in Sermon… Announcements


50th Anniversary Observance In thanks and praise to our Savior Jesus, all are invited to join us for worship and a celebration of the 50th anniversary of Grace Ev. Lutheran Church of Valentine, Nebraska, on… Announcements


CLC General Pastoral Conference

June 14-16, 2011
Immanuel Lutheran College — Eau Claire, Wisconsin


  • Update on Current Theological Issues in American Lutheranism, With a Focus on Former Members of the Synodical Conference – Pastor Delwyn Maas
  • Attending Religiously “Affiliated” Schools: A Pastoral Perspective – Pastor David Schierenbeck
  • New Testament Exegesis (1 Thessalonians 4:13ff) – Pastor Caleb Schaller
  • A Study of Forgiveness as it Relates to the Lord’s Supper – Professor Steven Sippert
  • Becoming a More Effective Preacher – Pastor Paul Nolting
  • Why Young People Are Leaving the CLC (Survey/Study) – Pastor Paul Naumann
  • Old Testament Exegesis (Joel 2:28ff) – Pastor Paul KrauseAnnoucements


West Central Delegate Conference • May 24-26, 2011 Grace Lutheran Church, Valentine, Nebraska – Agenda: 1. Overview/Review of The Lutheran Study Bible (2009) and the ESV translation (pamphlet to hand out) – Pastor James Sandeen… Announcements


Installation: In accord with our usage and order, David Baker, who was called by Redeemer Lutheran Church, Red Wing, Minn., to be its pastor, was installed on December 5, 2010. Professor John Ude of Immanuel… Announcements