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A Difficult Mission

NOTES FROM THE FIELD In this series, thoseinvolved with CLC foreign missions profile one aspect of our overseas endeavors. Working with our brethren in the Nigerian Church of the Lutheran Confession (NCLC), our fellowship made… A Difficult Mission

Graduation in Togo

NOTES FROM THE FIELD In this series, thoseinvolved with CLC foreign missions profile one aspect of our overseas endeavors. Three-and-a-half hours of pure and unbridled joy and thankfulness as only our brothers and sisters in… Graduation in Togo

Odisha State, India

NOTES FROM THE FIELD In this series, thoseinvolved with CLC foreign missions profile one aspect of our overseas endeavors. Pastor Deepak Immanuel is one of the district chairmen in the Berea Evangelical Lutheran Church (BELC)… Odisha State, India