Jesus, Jesus; only Jesus!by Lutheran SpokesmanAugust 20, 2012January 2, 2012Jesus, Jesus; only Jesus!
Not a victim but a target of God’s Lutheran SpokesmanAugust 18, 2012January 2, 2012Not a victim but a target of God’s grace.
God had made Paul very Lutheran SpokesmanAugust 17, 2012January 2, 2012God had made Paul very special.
God will not allow us to become Lutheran SpokesmanAugust 16, 2012January 2, 2012God will not allow us to become losers.
God has redeemed us from such Lutheran SpokesmanAugust 15, 2012January 2, 2012God has redeemed us from such garbage.
Let us enjoy our new, blessed life!by Lutheran SpokesmanAugust 14, 2012January 2, 2012Let us enjoy our new, blessed life!
God makes our life-style Lutheran SpokesmanAugust 13, 2012January 2, 2012God makes our life-style functional.
Aliveness from/with God will trump Lutheran SpokesmanAugust 11, 2012January 2, 2012Aliveness from/with God will trump death.
Resurrection is not dream but reality!by Lutheran SpokesmanAugust 10, 2012January 2, 2012Resurrection is not dream but reality!