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TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Hymns Reading Comments

Oct 1 TLH 418 Genesis 42:1-38 Joseph dealt both gently and wisely with his brothers, attempting to ascertain the state
of their trustworthiness and their repentance after selling him into slavery.

Oct 2 TLH 357 Genesis 43:1-34 Joseph’s love for his brothers was great even though they had done great evil to him in
the past. He would not hold this against them. May we be just as forgiving.

Oct 4 TLH 591 Psalm 34 The theme of this psalm is “deliverance.” The Lord delivers His believing children who
call to Him. “He helps us free from ev’ry need that hath us now o’ertaken.”Read More »“BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS OCTOBER 2021

A Light Burden


I hope that your time in school was a wonderful, enriching experience. But few things are more exciting for any student than the first days of summer vacation. Perhaps as an adult you have continued to keep the tradition of having certain times off every year. While I hope that you have a fulfilling, enjoyable job, it’s important to have a work/life balance. We sometimes need some rest and relaxation, or R&R. But having a day off school or work doesn’t excuse us from responsibilities to our family, needs around the house, preparing meals, paying bills, feeding pets, exercising, and so on. That third R of responsibility may seem unwelcome, but it’s a blessing from God. Read More »A Light Burden


Date Hymns Reading Comments

TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Sep 1 TLH 9 (LSB 906) Luke 6:1-11 The disciples weren’t “harvesting” on the Sabbath, they were eating lunch. It was clear that the Pharisees had distorted and lost the true purpose for the Sabbath: rest for souls.

Sep 2 TLH 7 Luke 6:12-26 After calling His disciples, Jesus reminded them not to expect an easy life, but rather a blessed one.

Sep 3 TLH 547 Luke 6:27-45 Love does not do evil, even to our enemies, and it does not allow us to look down on  those who have sinned as if we never have or never would.

Sep 4 TLH 251 (LSB 953) Luke 6:46-7:10 The centurion showed that his house was built on a foundation of rock, putting his  confidence in Jesus even from a distance.Read More »“BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS SEPTEMBER 2021


TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Hymns Reading Comments

Aug 2 TLH 536 (LSB 838) Genesis 16:1-16 When Abram was eighty-six years old, he and Sarai thought they should “help” God’s promise along by having a child through Sarai’s maid. Their weakness of faith only caused trouble.

Aug 3 TLH 549; LSB 764 Psalm 9 We give thanks to the Lord for bringing us safely through days of trouble. Our refuge is in Him now and forever.Read More »“BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS AUGUST 2021

Congregation, Not Isolation


In the beginning, the Lord punctuated His series of creative “Let there be’s” with this simple principle: “It is not good that man should be alone.” (Genesis 2:18) But it was only shortly after that when mankind sprinted headlong into isolation. The result of the first sin was that Adam and Eve hid away from God during what should have been the highlight of the day. Then the accusations flew against one another as both sought to save their own skins. We see that sin left people with nothing but separation, both from God and from each other. Thus it has been ever since that when we find isolation depicted in the Scripture, it’s often in the context of lament and suffering. Consider David’s words, “Why do You stand afar off, O Lord? Why do You hide in times of trouble?” (Psalm 10:1) Or who could forget the despair of lonely Elijah, “I alone am left; and they seek to take my life.” (1 Kings 19:10) Read More »Congregation, Not Isolation


TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Hymns Reading Comments

Jul 1 WS 744 (LSB 801) Genesis 1:1-31 Everything God made was very good. His original created worked—and worked perfectly.

Jul 2 TLH 282 Genesis 2:1-25 God also made Adam and Eve, the “crown” of His creation, and they too were
perfect and perfectly suited to one another.

Jul 3 TLH 369; LSB 561 Genesis 3:1-24 One sin ruined everything because only one thing wrong ruins perfection. But one Man’s
perfection would later crush Satan’s head.

Jul 5 TLH 46 (LSB 921) Philippians 1:1-11 Paul prays with confidence in the Lord’s continued work among the Philippians.Read More »“BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS JULY 2021