Not a ghost but Jesus with glorified body.
Not a ghost but Jesus with glorified body.
Not a ghost but Jesus with glorified body.
The facts were finally starting to connect.
Add these data to the record of John 17.
Keep us safe amid the perils of this life!
Jesus knew what was ahead for His followers. When He gave them the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations, to baptize and to teach them all things (Matthew 28:18-20),
He did not leave them powerless. He gave them the gifts necessary to carry out that task, and He promised them that He would be with them!
Christ’s ascension could have been a very discouraging event for the disciples, just as His death was at first. But the Lord Jesus did not forsake them, for He gave gifts to them and to every believer—gifts which are meant for the spiritual unity and growth of His Holy Christian Church on Earth.Christ’s Going-away Presents
Stay clean by remaining in Jesus’ words!
Sidestep the temptation to desert Jesus!