That’s the Way I Heard It
Most people have heard of, if not played, the telephone game. In this party pastime a leader whispers a tricky word or phrase to the next person in line. This message is then passed along until the last individual in line reveals what he believes he has heard. Hilarity may ensue as the garbled phrases are compared to the original. Whether the mix-ups were from poor diction, inadequate listening skills, or intentional misdirection doesn’t really matter. The goal of the game has been reached—message mangled.
Isn’t our world much like the telephone game? Oral histories passed down through the ages often bear little resemblance to the events that inspired them. Some important bits of history are forgotten, overlooked, or intentionally left out of textbooks because they may not fit with the agenda of the publisher. And, let’s face it, we often aren’t totally honest when we review our own pasts either.That’s the Way I Heard It