“Thank You”
Saying “thank you” is the hallmark of a polite society. We teach our children to say “thank you.” The waitress brings us our meal and even if the service was not the greatest, we say,… “Thank You”
Saying “thank you” is the hallmark of a polite society. We teach our children to say “thank you.” The waitress brings us our meal and even if the service was not the greatest, we say,… “Thank You”
For enabling our founding fathers to give up comfortable homes, schools, and churches for the sake of the true doctrine . . . We thank Thee, Lord. For giving our founding fathers secular work, shelter,… A SOLEMN LITANY
Standing Fast In The Liberty By Which Christ Has Made Us Free (See 5:1) Chapter 6:16-26 Freedom From Sin Includes Freedom From Sinning “Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.” Thus wrote… Studies In Galatians
God’s Wonderful Marriage Math Equation There are more than a few Bible numbers that for many just don’t add up. The numbers 6 (days of Creation) and 6,000 (approximate age of the earth) present insurmountable… First In A Series . . .
When Sinners See Their Lost Condition An Advent Hymn #65 in The Lutheran Hymnal When John the Baptist appeared to prepare the way for Jesus, he said: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at… Appreciating Our Lutheran Hymns
At the request of the Spokesman, our four new pastors submitted biographical information about themselves. We thank them. George Dummann To a new pastor, his time may seem to be at more of a premium… Last Spring’s Seminary Graduates
Installation In accord with our usage and order, Leah Fossum who was called as full-time teacher, and Christine Fossum who was called as part-time teacher, by Holy Trinity Lutheran School, West Columbia, S.C. were installed… Announcements
Annually, when October 31 rolls around, Lutherans who are mindful of their religious heritage give thought to the reformation movement which took place in Germany during the 1500’s. Their remembrance of this significant event is… LESSONS FROM PAST REFORMATIONS
One of the complaints that is often leveled against conservative Lutherans is that we are much too polemical. “Polemic” comes from the Greek word “polemos” which means “war.” In plain English the contention is that… Why Lutherans Fight Over Doctrine
‘LUTHERAN’? WHAT DO YOU MEAN? Occasionally one is asked, “What religion are you?” Your immediate response might be, “Lutheran.” Sadly, in our day that is less and less a meaningful confession or witness because Lutheranism… A Reformation message from our CLC President —