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On the 12th Day of Christmas…

The twelfth day of Christmas is January 5th,

the last day of the traditional Christmas season. It serves to usher in the next church season — that of Epiphany. Historically, Epiphany was much more widely celebrated in Christian churches than was Christmas.

Epiphany is not a word used in the Bible, but it does convey a  Biblical concept. Epiphany (from the Greek word epiphaneia) means “manifestation” — or a “showing forth.”

This season of the church year varies in length but lasts until the Sunday before Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent.

During the Epiphany season Christian churches often communicate three events in Christ’s life in particular: the visit of the Magi, His baptism, and His first miracle at the wedding of Cana.

The Magi Visit

In what way was the visit of the Magi an epiphany?

The Magi were “wise men” belonging to a priestly sect from the East. Contrary to what is often depicted, they were not present at Jesus’ birth. Rather, they followed a star to Jesus’ house and there knelt down to worship the “young Child” and presented Him with precious gifts from their homeland.Read More »On the 12th Day of Christmas…

Laboring With Confidence

The gospel with the message of salvation was at the heart and core of apostolic preaching.

If the Church in its ministry — either through its called ministers or through the individual witness of each Christ-believer — is to remain true to its apostolic roots, the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Christ Jesus must remain the focus of what is taught.

In the distressful days in which we live, opposition to the gospel will increase. For our own personal comfort as well as for encouragement to be bold witnesses, we take heart from Paul.Read More »Laboring With Confidence

Behold the Glory of the King of Kings

As we come to the close of the Christmas season, we hear once again the remarkable account of how, by God’s guidance and grace, the Wise Men from the East came searching for the one “who has been born King of the Jews” (Matthew 2:2), so that they might bow before Him and worship Him. In this event we see the beginning of the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy regarding our Savior. “The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising” (Isaiah 60:3).

While it is unlikely that these Magi were kings, they were powerful men in the world who very likely had their place in the king’s court. And yet they were more than ready to fall down before the Child Jesus and worship Him. By faith they recognized the majesty and glory of their Savior and King in the young Christ-Child.Read More »Behold the Glory of the King of Kings

Dare to be a Daniel…

Daniel’s Vision of the Messiah

I was watching in the night visions, and behold, One  like the Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought  Him near before Him…” Daniel7:13.

This “Son of Man,” theMessiah in human form, came riding on the clouds of heaven. And more than that: “He came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought Him near before Him.” The term “Ancient of Days” is the prophet Daniel’s special name for Jehovah God, the eternal God. Picture, if you will, the awe-inspiring scene of the Messiah in His state of glory being led and escorted by the angel hosts into the presence of His Heavenly Father, the Ancient of Days!Read More »Dare to be a Daniel…

Our Unchangeable God in an Ever-changing World

With the passing of each year we observe changes in our lives and in the world about us. While some of the changes are good and beneficial, others are not. Were it not for the assurance of the abiding presence of our unchangeable Lord, our spirits would be greatly distressed and our hearts would melt out of fear and worry.

The sure and certain Word of our God comforts us in the knowledge that the Lord Jesus who rules over all things for our sake (see Ephesians 1:22,23) is “the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8), and that He has given us this unfailing promise: “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).Read More »Our Unchangeable God in an Ever-changing World