Spokesman editor at the time, Winfred Schaller Jr., hits many nails on the head in what he wrote thirty years ago in “The Death Of Heresy” (reprinted in this issue). At first we were going… HERESY ALIVE AND WELL
Spokesman editor at the time, Winfred Schaller Jr., hits many nails on the head in what he wrote thirty years ago in “The Death Of Heresy” (reprinted in this issue). At first we were going… HERESY ALIVE AND WELL
How would you feel about having one day each week when you had absolutely no work to do at all? No mowing the lawn or washing the car, no repair projects or doing the laundry.… Remember The Sabbath Day
Have you been to the lake this summer? Did you pack up the car and visit the ocean or camp at the Grand Canyon? Did you travel to see far-flung friends or family, and spend… TAKE A BREAK!
We have all watched with amazement and disbelief as the waters of the Red River have inundated the northwestern part of our state and Grand Forks, North Dakota. Our hearts go out to those who… WHEN CATASTROPHES OCCUR
Through The Gospel We Have Victory Over The Devil It is not a well-kept secret among Christians that Satan is outmatched by the Son of God, Jesus the Savior. Though Satan can outmaneuver a weak… As Revealed By Scripture– The Devil #6
* THE CLC AND OTHER CHURCH BODIES We would like to inform our readers of a helpful resource bearing on the relationship of the CLC with other Lutheran church bodies. We refer to a pastoral… SMORGASBORD
Fellow redeemed in Christ, What’s good about the public ministry? In our continuing study of that question, we today will consider how the Lord leads a person to prepare himself (or herself) for the pastoral… Excerpt from “What’s Good About The Public Ministry?”
From August 1967 — * THEOLOGIANS — ANOTHER KIND. It was to be expected. The turmoil of the six-day Arab-Israeli War had hardly ceased and its echoes were still being heard in the halls of… Looking Back in the Lutheran Spokesman
Most evolutionists insist that the occurrence of evolution is an indisputable fact, even if its exact mechanism must remain speculative. Since evolution is believed to occur far too slowly to be discernible in the time… What Do The Fossils Say?
Meet: Gene Schreyer Gene Schreyer is a teacher at Immanuel Lutheran High School in Mankato, Minn. He began his teaching career there in 1963. Mr. Schreyer attended Bethany Lutheran High School in Mankato and received… In Our CLC Classrooms: