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Josiah, The Boy-King

(II Kings 22-23; II Chronicles 34-35)  D own through the centuries, rulers of nations have had either a positive or negative influence on the subjects they govern. During the period of the Divided Kingdom in… Josiah, The Boy-King

Led by God

Moses prayed for it at Mt. Sinai when he said,  

“If Your Presence does not go with  us, do not bring us up from here.”    

Gideon wanted to be certain he had it, so he asked for the signs of wet fleece on dry ground and dry fleece on wet ground (Judges 6:36ff).

King Solomon knew its importance for himself and his kingdom when the Lord appeared to him in a dream (1 Kings 3:5ff).Led by God

Who’s in charge here?

Pharaoh lost control but wouldn’t admit it; enslaved Israel never was in charge of its destiny. However, since the Lord God has control over the Universe, over emperors, over history, and over His people, “The Lord brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt” (12:51). Freed after four centuries of enslavement, Israel was fashioned into a divine theocracy, which made them different from every other nation that ever existed. They were in good hands with the Almighty, and in His charge the Exodus became a golden success.Who’s in charge here?