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TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2008

Date Verse Reading Comments

Jan 1 TLH 347: Genesis 1:1-31At the start of the new year, we are reminded of God’s new creation, both the one at the beginning and the one yet to come.

Jan 2 TLH 54: Joshua 3:1-17 We do not know where the new year will take us, but we know that our God will go before us.

Jan 3 TLH 657: Psalm 2:1-12 Our Lord Jesus Christ is Lord of the nations, and we take refuge in Him.

Jan 4 TLH 118: Job 1:1-22 Our happiness is not in earthly things, but in knowing that whatever trials the Lord allows are for our good.

Jan 5 TLH 375: Isaiah 1:10-20How are our hearts made clean before the Lord so that we do not give Him “meaningless offerings”? He must make them clean (v. 18).“BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS January 2018

The Celebration of God’s One-Way Path


If we could travel back in time, one of the many things that would no doubt surprise us would be the changes that have occurred in ecclesiastical emphasis. Virtually all Christians today would, for example, list Christmas, Good Friday, and Easter as our greatest Christian celebrations. Yet church historians tell us that many Christians in prior centuries regarded Epiphany as the preeminent Christian event. The change is difficult for modern Christians to grasp, especially given the fact that Epiphany receives so little emphasis or notoriety today. What caused such a dramatic shift in emphasis? In two words, ignorance and entitlement.

Christians today have no trouble identifying the basis for our modern celebrations of Christmas, Good Friday, and Easter: Jesus was born, Jesus died, and Jesus rose from the dead. Not so with Epiphany. While many could explain that the word epiphany means “manifestation” or “appearance”—and might even be able to associate Epiphany with the arrival of the Magi, the baptism of Jesus, and Jesus’ first miracle at the wedding feast in Cana—few could articulate the importance of those events. In the minds of most Christians today, Epiphany is encapsulated in Christmas. Jesus manifested Himself on earth at His birth. It seems illogical to us that God would send His Son into our world, but then withhold the revelation of that Son. The three events that are routinely commemorated in connection with the Epiphany simply tell us how God revealed His Son also to the Gentiles (the star that drew the Magi), how the Father announced to the Jews that Jesus was His Son (His Baptism), and the revelation of the miraculous powers that verified Jesus’ deity (changing water to wine in Cana). Given all of that, Christians today still find it difficult to grasp the significance that prior generations recognized in Epiphany.The Celebration of God’s One-Way Path

WS Hymn 717 “Bright and Glorious Is the Sky”


It was on the second day of creation that God made the expanse of the sky, and since then He has used it from time to time as something of a billboard for important announcements. Abraham, for example, was told to look up into the sky for confirmation of the promise God was giving him (Genesis 15:5). There were the Christmas angels who appeared in the sky, announcing the birth of Jesus to the shepherds. Now we come to Epiphany, where the sky again plays a role, hosting the famous “star in the east” which started the wise men off on their journey to find the King of the Jews.

The opening verse of the Danish-Lutheran pastor Nicolai Grundtvig’s (1783-1872) hymn, “Bright and Glorious Is the Sky” turns our attention skyward as well, Where the golden stars are shining, / All their rays to earth inclining (v. 1). Our thoughts fly heavenward as they beckon us.WS Hymn 717 “Bright and Glorious Is the Sky”

Junker Jörg

The ROAD TO REFORMATION In observation of the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation, we are presenting a brief survey of the life of Martin Luther. The series continues with major events in the life… Junker Jörg

Michaela Winters

IN THE PIPELINE Want to meet the person who may be your next pastor or Christian day school teacher? This series profiles the men and women who are preparing for the public teaching and preaching… Michaela Winters


TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941;
WS = Worship Supplement 2000;
LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Verse Reading Comments

Dec 1 TLH 415 Matthew 24:1-14 Before the end comes, things will get worse, but salvation is in store for the believers in Christ.

Dec 2 TLH 526/LSB 659; Matthew 24:15-34 The destruction of Jerusalem would be a tremendous tragedy, but not all would be lost. God would still care for His children.

Dec 4 TLH 611 Matthew 24:35-51 Heaven and earth will pass away suddenly, but believers will be safe in the arms of their Savior, Jesus.

Dec 5TLH 609Matthew 25:1-13May God give us heavenly wisdom so that we are eager and prepared for the Last Day.“BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS Decmeber 2017