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A Faith That Runs

STUDIES IN THE NEW TESTAMENT “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let… A Faith That Runs


TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Verse Reading Comments

Apr 2 TLH 211/LSB 483; Exodus 3:1-15 Our God is a God of deliverance, especially deliverance from our slavery to sin.

Apr 3 WS 731 1 Samuel 17:34-51 Our God is a God of victory, giving victory to His people over sin and every evil.

Apr 4 WS 729/LSB 479; Psalm 40 Our God is a God of salvation, saving us from troubles and from the dust of death.

Apr 5WS 732Job 28:12-28Our God is a God of wisdom, and they are wise who respect and honor Him.

Apr 6 TLH 198 Jeremiah 10:1-16 The sinful world will always be filled with idols, but your God is the only One who is truly living and almighty.

Apr 7 TLH 199 Mark 7:24-30 Jesus shows His power over the devil and his demons—and His compassion toward all who trust in Him.“BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS April 2018

“What a Friend We Have in Jesus” TLH 457, LSB 770


Several years ago on a family vacation, we were traveling Highway 401 between Toronto and Montreal around one o’clock in the morning. The children were drifting in and out of restless sleep when the headlights illuminated a blue and white sign announcing the “Joseph Scriven Monument.” I jumped a little in the driver’s seat and prodded my wife, “Look! Joseph Scriven! I had no idea that was here!” She mumbled, “What are you talking about?” I said, “You know—’What a Friend We Have in Jesus!’ We really, really should stop!” She answered something like, “It’s the middle of the night. It’s pitch dark. Would they still give us one phone call when they catch us in a cemetery with flashlights and cameras?” She prevailed, and we didn’t stop; but that sign appearing out of nowhere was a sudden reminder of one of the most beloved hymns in all Christendom.“What a Friend We Have in Jesus” TLH 457, LSB 770