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The Dwelling Place

GEMS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT “Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations.” (Psalm 90:1) Moses likely wrote Psalm 90 near the end of his life. As an old man, Moses did what… The Dwelling Place

Tempted by God?

STUDIES IN THE NEW TESTAMENT “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who… Tempted by God?

The Greatest Need

BEST. JOB. EVER! Are you a young person pondering a career? Have you considered becoming a pastor or a Christian day school teacher? This twelve-part series is meant to coincide with the work of the… The Greatest Need

Mikkela Janay Hammond

IN THE PIPELINE This series profiles the men and women who are in their final year of preparation for the public teaching or preaching ministry at our Immanuel Lutheran College and Seminary in Eau Claire,… Mikkela Janay Hammond


TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Hymns Reading Comments
Feb 1 TLH 458 (LSB 766) Luke 11:1-13 How can we not be encouraged to pray? Jesus shows us what sorts of things we can talk to God about and assures us that He will answer us.
Feb 3 TLH 10; LSB 849 Luke 11:14-26 Jesus certainly can’t be in league with Satan or under Satan’s control if He is able to drive out demons.
Feb 4 TLH 283 (LSB 582) Luke 11:27-32 Jesus’ words are wiser than Solomon’s and greater than Jonah’s, so let’s pay attention to them. Those who treasure Jesus’ words are happy!
Feb 5 TLH 264 (LSB 658) Luke 11:33-54 Who are those whose light shines into the world? Those who hear the Word of the apostles and prophets.“BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS February 2020

The Reliable Word


The simple child of God takes those words at face value and knows that when he reads the Bible he is reading the very words of God. What a glorious truth and solid foundation for our faith! Since the Bible is God’s Word, it is completely without error, and we can depend on every word.
However, the inspiration of Scripture, and therefore also its inerrancy, has always been under attack by those who don’t want to submit to every word of Scripture. Those attacks continually get more refined, therefore we must define the truth ever more precisely.
Critics and skeptics have said, “Sure the holy writers were inspired,” but they mean the apostles and prophets were inspired like an artist or novelist, not that God breathed every word into the apostles and prophets. They might even say, “God gave them the thoughts but the writers used their own words.” That is why it became necessary to speak of verbal inspiration, indicating that the very words are given by God.
Then some false teachers said, “Yes, the Bible is verbally inspired in the parts that are authentic.” So they will say “The Bible contains God’s word.” Therefore we now speak of verbal plenary inspiration, which means that every single word in every part of the entire Bible is God-breathed.The Reliable Word

“We Are Beggars. This is True.”


February 18, 2020 will mark 474 years since the death of Dr. Martin Luther in 1546. His tireless efforts and bravery, born from a heart set free by the Gospel of full and free forgiveness in Christ, were God’s instruments to shine this same Gospel on countless hearts and lives, including our own. Among his many accomplishments are these:“We Are Beggars. This is True.”