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church sign of Immanuel of Winter Haven, blown over by Hurricane Ian


Rededication Anniversary This year Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mankato, Minnesota will be honoring and praising God for the fiftieth anniversary of the rededication of our sanctuary. After the church was struck by lightning and burned… Announcements

The Kyrie

In many of our churches, the customary order of worship includes a section known as the Kyrie (pronounced KEER- ee-eh ). In The Lutheran Hymnal, it can be found on page 7 (also pages 17,… The Kyrie

The Last Chapter

Armageddon. I Am Legend. The Day After Tomorrow. Wall-E. The apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic genre of film has performed very well for Hollywood over the past several decades, and it’s no wonder! Imaginations run rampant when considering what… The Last Chapter