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* HISTORICAL VIGNETTES This synod anniversary year we are running monthly “Historical Markings”–quotes from essays recounting the CLC’s origins. The good suggestion has come to ‘give it a lighter side’ too. So an invitation has… SMORGASBORD


Pacific Coast Pastoral Conference February 22-24, 2000 St. Stephen Lutheran Church Hayward, Calif. Agenda: 1. Encouragement for Discouraged Pastors — Pastor Rollin A. Reim 2. May We Agree in Principle, but Disagree in Application? –… Announcements

Studies in Ephesians

Proclaiming the Unsearchable Riches of Christ (See 3:8) Chapter 3:1-14 WE’VE GOT A SECRET Secret societies were already popular in the Apostle’s time. Today there are still numerous lodge-like organizations that claim they have certain… Studies in Ephesians