Superior piety does not impress Lutheran SpokesmanSeptember 14, 2012January 2, 2012Superior piety does not impress God.
God draws reluctant hearts with His Lutheran SpokesmanSeptember 13, 2012January 2, 2012God draws reluctant hearts with His love.
empowered by his interview with Lutheran SpokesmanSeptember 12, 2012January 2, 2012empowered by his interview with Jesus.
which produced a bumpy ride; yet he wasby Lutheran SpokesmanSeptember 11, 2012January 2, 2012which produced a bumpy ride; yet he was
He was in a hurry for God’s business,by Lutheran SpokesmanSeptember 10, 2012January 2, 2012He was in a hurry for God’s business,
Protect yourself with God’s Lutheran SpokesmanSeptember 8, 2012January 2, 2012Protect yourself with God’s anti-virus.
What does Satan do to his disciples?by Lutheran SpokesmanSeptember 7, 2012January 2, 2012What does Satan do to his disciples?
Yes, our sanctification is important!by Lutheran SpokesmanSeptember 6, 2012January 2, 2012Yes, our sanctification is important!
The theme of our Christian Lutheran SpokesmanSeptember 5, 2012January 2, 2012The theme of our Christian lives.
Could God succeed in degenerate Crete?by Lutheran SpokesmanSeptember 4, 2012January 2, 2012Could God succeed in degenerate Crete?