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Author: Matthew Ude

A Loud Land

Written by Matthew Ude | April, 2016
Post Categories: Missions,Notes from the field,
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NOTES FROM THE FIELD In this series, thoseinvolved with CLC foreign missions profile one aspect of our overseas endeavors. A few years ago my wife Vanessa and I were in Zambia, traveling from Lusaka to Livingston. With us were Pastor Ibrahim, Pastor Yumba, and a student named Treasure. Pastor Ibrahim grew up in Tanzania, where he… Read More »A Loud Land Read More

French, Fervent, and Faithful

Written by Matthew Ude | October, 2015
Post Categories: Missions,Notes from the field,
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A few years ago, while Missionary David Koenig and I were visiting pastors around India, we happened to come across two pastors who could not have been more different in some respects. One was young and bouncing all over the place, full of ideas and dreams, restless and eager to serve the Lord. The second was… Read More »French, Fervent, and Faithful Read More


Written by Matthew Ude | September, 2013
Post Categories: Devotions,Pastor Conference,
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(Editor’s note: CLC Missionary Matthew Ude was chaplain for the June 2013 CLC General Pastoral Conference at Immanuel Lutheran College, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, and devotions such as this were shared with the pastors.) “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.”  (Romans 12:10, ESV) What this Bible passage says is clearly something… Read More »CLC PASTORAL CONFERENCE DEVOTION • June 16 2013 Read More

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