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TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Hymns Reading Comments
June 1 TLH 43 Genesis 1:1-2:3 The Lord creates the universe in six days. On the seventh day He rests.
June 2 TLH 236/LSB 500 Acts 2:42-3:26 After Pentecost, the followers of Christ devote themselves to the Word and sacraments. Peter heals a lame beggar and preaches Christ in the temple.
June 3 TLH 191/LSB 463 Matthew 28 The Marys visit Jesus’ tomb early on Easter morning. An angel announces to them that Jesus has risen from the dead. The Jewish leaders pay the Roman soldiers to say that Jesus’ disciples have stolen His body. In Galilee Jesus commissions His church to baptize and to teach.
June 5 TLH 381/LSB 587 2 Timothy 1 Paul begins a personal letter to Timothy. He urges Timothy not to be ashamed of his faith, but to guard and to treasure it.
June 6 TLH 349/LSB 683 John 14 Jesus teaches and comforts His disciples on Maundy Thursday. He promises to prepare places for them in His Father’s house. He promises to give them the Holy Spirit.
June 7 TLH 35 Job 38 The Lord, who created and still preserves all things, responds to Job. Truly His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts. (Isaiah 55:9)
June 8 TLH 39/LSB 790 Job 39 The Lord continues to list examples of His almighty power over the natural world.
June 9 WS 797/LSB 936 Romans 4 Abraham believed the promise of the Lord and was justified by faith. He looked ahead to the coming of the Messiah. As we look back at the fulfillment of the promise in Christ, we are justified by faith along with our father Abraham.
June 10 TLH 502 Matthew 9 Jesus raises a girl from the dead and heals a paralytic, a woman suffering a discharge of blood, a mute, and two blind men. Jesus calls Matthew. Jesus explains why His disciples do not fast. Jesus teaches that the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.
June 12 TLH 535/LSB 737 Job 40 Job silences himself before the Lord. The Lord continues to challenge Job, pointing to Behemoth as evidence of His almighty power.
June 13 WS 744/LSB 801 Job 41 The Lord continues to challenge Job, pointing to Leviathan as evidence of His almighty power.
June 14 TLH 166/LSB 419 Job 42 Job repents. The Lord rebukes the friends of Job. The Lord restores to Job his worldly blessings, “twice as much as he had before.” (Job 42:10)
June 15 TLH 171/LSB 453 Exodus 19 The people of Israel encounter the Lord at Mount Sinai. It is a terrifying experience—thunder, lightning, thick cloud, and a trumpet blast. As sinners we cannot stand before holy God. However, just as the Lord appointed Moses to serve as a mediator between Himself and the people, the Lord has appointed His Son to serve as Mediator between God and man.
June 16 TLH 369/LSB 562 Romans 5 Through faith in Jesus Christ all believers enjoy peace with God. Adam brought condemnation and death to all people, but Jesus has accomplished justification and life for all people.
June 17 LSB 856 Matthew 10 Jesus sends out the twelve apostles to proclaim to the Israelites that “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 10:7) The proclamation of the gospel will result in persecution for those who proclaim it. Even so, the Lord protects His faithful people and promises them His gracious reward.
June 19 TLH 157 Exodus 4 The Lord gives Moses powerful signs so that the children of Israel will listen to him. The Lord appoints Aaron to serve as a spokesman for Moses. Moses takes his wife and his children and returns to Egypt.
June 20 TLH 27/LSB 814 Exodus 5 Pharaoh rejects the command of the Lord to let the Israelites go. Instead Pharaoh commands the Israelites to gather their own straw for making bricks. The Israelites blame Moses and Aaron. Moses complains to the Lord.
June 21 LSB 487 Exodus 6 The Lord responds to Moses that He will deliver the Israelites out of Egypt and will give them the land of Canaan, as He has promised. Moses records the genealogy of Moses and Aaron.
June 22 TLH 235/LSB 913 Jeremiah 20 Pashhur the priest persecutes Jeremiah. Jeremiah prophesies against Pashhur and against Judah, predicting the Babylonian captivity. Jeremiah cries out to the Lord in grief.
June 23 TLH 334/LSB 689 Romans 6 Salvation is not a license to continue sinning. In our Baptism, the Lord has raised us to a new life of faithfulness. We are dead to sin and alive to God. No longer slaves to sin, now we are privileged to live as slaves to righteousness.
June 24 LSB 583 Hebrews 1 The Lord speaks to us by His Son. Jesus Christ is superior to the angels of God.
June 26 TLH 219/LSB 532 Hebrews 2 We are in danger of drifting away from saving faith if we neglect the salvation of Christ. Jesus has redeemed us by becoming one of us. He knows from experience our pain and our suffering and the temptation that we experience.
June 27 TLH 279 Hebrews 3 Jesus Christ is greater than Moses. For now we wander through the wilderness of this fallen world. However, all who remain faithful unto death will enter eternal rest.
June 28 TLH 220 Hebrews 4 Each of us must give account to the Lord before entering His rest. Thanks be to God, we have a great high priest who has sacrificed Himself to redeem us. Therefore we may approach the Lord with joyful confidence.
June 29 TLH 429/LSB 708 Jeremiah 28 The prophet Hananiah falsely prophesies deliverance from Babylon. Jeremiah prophesies against Hananiah and predicts his death.
June 30 TLH 379 Romans 7 Believers in Christ are free to serve the Lord out of faith and love, not out of fear of the Law. The Law is good, but it brings death to those who transgress it. The new man of faith within the believer struggles constantly against the sinful flesh. We must endure this battle until the Lord calls us to our eternal rest.

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