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TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Hymns Reading Comments
04/01/23 TLH 162 John 12:12-19 In lowly pomp, the Savior of mankind rides on to die. Hosannah to the Son of David!
04/03/23 TLH 154 John 12:20-26 “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” So said the Greeks at the Passover in Jerusalem. May we say the same!
04/04/23 TLH 390 John 12:27-36 Jesus could not avoid the hour of His arrest, trial, and execution. It was for our salvation that He came to this hour.
04/05/23 TLH 209 Isaiah 62:11-63:7 “Who is this who comes from Edom in crimsoned garments?” It is our Savior, Who comes to ransom us with His own blood.
04/06/23 TLH 304 1 Corinthians 11:23-32 Our gracious Lord vouchsafes to us His very body and blood, given and shed for the forgiveness of our sin.
04/07/23 TLH 167 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 One died for all. All our sins died with our Lord on the cursed tree—now we live with Him!
04/08/23 TLH 195 Matthew 27:57-66 The bands of death held our Savior fast, but only briefly. The preparations made by Joseph and the women were, after all, not needed.
04/10/23 LSB 463 Luke 24:13-35 “Did not our heart burn within us?” The Word of the Son of God reveals divine truth.
04/11/23 TLH 204 1 John 5:4-10 The Father has borne testimony about His Son—and His Son’s work—by raising Him from the dead.
04/12/23 TLH 331 Ezekiel 37:1-14 Can dry bones live again? Yes! God promises a resurrection to life in Jesus Christ.
04/13/23 TLH 271 John 20:19-23 Following his triumphant resurrection, Jesus bestows the Ministry of the Keys on His believers.
04/14/23 LSB 472 John 20:24-31 Thomas demanded visible proof of the resurrection, but blessed are those who, not seeing, yet believe.
04/15/23 TLH 31 Psalm 33:1-22 “Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous!” Believers are righteous by faith in their resurrected Lord.
04/17/23 TLH 213 Acts 5:12-28 The apostles were commanded by God to “speak to the people all the words of this life.” So are we.
04/18/23 TLH 451 Acts 5:29-42 “God raised up Jesus Whom you murdered.” The apostles spoke truth to the powerful Jewish council in Jerusalem.
04/19/23 LSB 711 Ezekiel 34:11-16 Even in the darkest days of Israel’s apostasy, God promised to gather the scattered sheep of His flock.
04/20/23 TLH 436 Psalm 23:1-6 Those who graze in the pleasant pasture of God’s Word will find that goodness and mercy follow them always.
04/21/23 TLH 433 2 Peter 2:21-25 Like straying sheep, we had all wandered far from God. But now, in faith, we have returned to our Shepherd.
04/22/23 TLH 431 John 10:11-16 Jesus is an unimaginably good Shepherd—One willing even to give His life for His sheep.
04/24/23 TLH 464 Acts 2:42-47 Let us, like the early Christians, continue daily in doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers.
04/25/23 WS 785 1 John 3:1-3 By faith in the risen Christ, we become children of God. What an exalted status!
04/26/23 WS 747 Isaiah 40:25-31 Does God not see and understand you? He created the myriad of stars! He knows how to protect and provide for you.
04/27/23 TLH 43 Psalm 147:1-11 Again, the God Who knows the name of every star has an infinite understanding of all things, including you.
04/28/23 TLH 287 1 Peter 2:11-20 How shall we resurrection believers then live? Let us have our conduct “honorable among the Gentiles.”
04/29/23 TLH 357 John 16:16-22 Jesus would soon take physical leave of His disciples, but He promised them a lasting joy that no one could take from them!

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