Want to meet the person who may be your next pastor or Christian day school teacher?
This series profiles the men and women who are in their final year of preparation for the public teaching or preaching ministry at our Immanuel Lutheran College and Seminary in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
Levi Schaller
Age: 22
Program: Education
Year in School: Senior
Where were you born?
Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
Where did you grow up?
Same place!
Married? Unmarried? Tell us about your family.
I got married this last summer on June 11 to Nicole Schierenbeck. We currently live in a very small apartment in Eau Claire.
What hobbies, sports, or extracurriculars interest you?
I enjoy fishing, hunting, and baseball, among other things.
Tell us one thing about yourself that most people don’t know.
At one point a couple years ago, I owned five vehicles at the same time—one motorcycle, one truck, and three cars. Believe it or not, all of them worked (mostly)!
Which academic subjects especially interest you?
History and English are my favorite subjects; I’ve always enjoyed them.
How did you first come to consider the public teaching ministry as a career?
Growing up, it never crossed my mind. Not once, if I’m honest. I think the first time I seriously considered it was my first stint as a counselor at God’s Kids Bible Camp.
What have you appreciated most about your time at ILC?
Practice teaching, because I got to meet current teachers in the CLC. I learned a lot from them and got valuable experience doing actual teaching in a classroom. While doing so I found a few of my methods classes at Immanuel invaluable to me.
What qualities do you think will most be needed by the future leaders of the church?
Steadfastness in the Word and willingness to discuss questions of Scripture with those postulating them.