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Leave It Better

Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, has a exciting new movement being promoted by students at the school.
The aim of the new movement is to provide a way for an organized group of students to show their thanks to the Lord for their Christian training by “leaving the school better

than they found it—doing so by improving, restoring, and helping to maintain the campus and its facilities.

There is strong support from the school’s faculty and staff.

“Now we would like to reach out to ILC alumni and other CLC members, asking also for their support. With all this ambition, motivation, and energy, Lord-willing, we can accomplish a lot!”

During this current school year Leave It Better has already completed multiple projects and started others.

• leveled the backyard of one of the professor’s houses, trimmed back the trees and brush on Ingram Drive, and built a staircase down to the athletic fields from the parking lot.

• Began clearing an area in the woods near the creek, where we hope to create a park.

• Started work on our most ambitious project yet. During past years the school used a student-built amphitheater for Class Day exercises, chapel services, weddings, and even graduation services. Over the last few decades, it fell out of use and reverted to a thorny hillside. A ‘Leave It Better’ crew and a few committed volunteers cleared the brush, re-dug the terraces, cut down trees, and planted new grass. There is still much to do, but with the Lord’s help we hope to bring the amphitheater back into use before the close of the school year.“

“Get in touch!”

Leave It Better
501 Grover Road • Eau Claire, WI 54701
