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A New Pastor at Ascension Lutheran Church!

Proverbs 16:9 A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.

How many of us young people (I think I can still call myself that!) find ourselves finishing high school and simply not knowing what to do with ourselves?

It used to be that a son would commonly follow in the trade of his father who had previously followed in the trade of his father. These days that is not the norm, or at least so I thought.

Some deliberate, some procrastinate, some are three weeks ahead, some are three days behind, yet to some degree we all plan our way.

(Editor’s note: We heartily thank Pastor David Pfeiffer, recent graduate of our Immanuel Lutheran Seminary, Eau Claire, Wis., for introducing himself and his family to us at our request. May God’s richest blessings rest upon His children as they together serve Him!)

Having graduated high school at Immanuel Lutheran, Eau Claire, Wis. in 2000, my heart began to plan my way… and re-plan my way… and re-plan my way. I acquired a degree in Actuarial Mathematics, a career in which I would have worked for life insurance companies calculating life expectancy.

Through all this, the Lord was directing my steps somewhere else. He was at work all along using my many diverse experiences at a secular university to reveal to me how He would use me in His kingdom.

How many of those fishermen of Galilee expected to find themselves being called to be fishers of men?

Pastor David Pfeiffer and family
Pastor David Pfeiffer and family

Since I knew I wanted to work with people, and that my gifts just were not suited for doing math in a cubicle, I entered Immanuel’s Seminary program.

And so, following in the footsteps of my father and both grandfathers, eleven years after high school, here I am, pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church in Batavia, Illinois.

I enjoy golf, fishing, friends, and most of all my family. I was born in 1981 to parents John and Barb Pfeiffer. I am the youngest behind Sara, Nathan, and Rachel. My wife, Deana (nee Johannes), is a full-time mom working overtime to raise our three boys: Samuel (3y), Joshua (2y), and Joel (4m). Samuel likes Toy Story, music, coloring, and chasing his brother; Joshua likes sports, climbing (and falling), and also Toy Story; Joel likes getting tickled.

Let us ever remember that, though we plan our ways, the Lord is the One graciously directing our steps. We might not understand at the moment why things have not gone according to our plans, but we can be assured that things are going according to His plan. He is with us through the difficult and the pleasant, through the confusing and the simple. He will never leave us or forsake us. It is His all-sufficient work as Redeemer that has covered our sinful steps behind and directs our righteous steps forward.