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A Christian’s Scriptural Response to the World of 2000 . . .


(Part 5, Conclusion)

In this final installment we consider our personal roles in ministering to those caught in the sin of homosexuality.

What to Do?

The clear identification of homosexuality as a sin is LAW-preaching–and that word needs to be preached, lest we compromise the truth of God’s Word and make His law and authority of no effect. Nevertheless, where sin is exposed there is need for GOSPEL-preaching. When we identify homosexuality as a sin, we want to be on guard lest we fall into a Pharisee-like pride about our own lives which are equally sinful. We don’t want to leave the impression that there is no salvation for those who are tempted with homosexuality. For example, Jesus associated with sinners of all sorts, rebuking their sins but also proclaiming salvation. But never once did He compromise the Truth.

The apostle Paul gave Timothy a pastoral approach for dealing with those who were caught in sin. It is a gospel-centered approach that does not ignore the law. It is an approach that we do well to adopt, not only in dealing with homosexuality, but with all sins: ” . . . be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will” (2 Timothy 2:24-26).

There is a way “out” for those who are caught in the sin of homosexuality (or the temptations toward it). Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (cf: John 14:6). We have the tools and we have the message of the gospel that can convert any sinner who is caught in any sin. It may seem impossible to believe that someone caught deeply in a sin could be set free from that sin. But it has happened and continues to happen by the power of God’s Word every time a sinner comes to faith. “With God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). ” . . . Such WERE some of you. . . .” (1 Corinthians 6:11).

Ministering to those who are caught in homosexuality requires a bold love. It requires a BOLD LOVE AND DEEP CONCERN that will not be intimidated by the vocal and strong efforts of the pro-gay movement. BOLD LOVE AND DEEP CONCERN requires endurance–not becoming fatigued and throwing up our hands and saying: “What’s the use!?” Rather, we will find continuing strength and sense of purpose from our Lord who continued to minister to sinners on the earth even when they rejected Him, and when He was worn and tired. BOLD LOVE AND DEEP CONCERN remembers that its first love is Christ and seeks to follow His Word. BOLD LOVE AND DEEP CONCERN remembers that we are called to preach the gospel. The results are not ours to determine, but we leave those in the hands of the Holy Spirit.

As the openness and prevalence of homosexuality continue to spread, we will have opportunity to minister. We may have opportunity at the workplace or in school. Our children may bring friends home–friends who either believe that they are gay or that they have a close family member who is. We may have someone who is close to us personally for whom this sin is a struggle. All of these are open doors for the gospel.

However, we will never have the opportunity to share the gospel with those from whom we disassociate ourselves. Avoiding these people either leaves the door swinging open with no one to take advantage of it, or else slams it shut and locks it. Instead, let us take advantage of the open door by testifying to our Savior.

Strengthen yourself with the Word . . .

Testify to that Word as you have opportunity . . .

Pray for those caught in sin.

–Pastor Wayne Eichstadt