“There is no hidden meaning to Christmas; no deeper meaning than what the Father has Himself put in it. . . . “
An Unencumbered Christmas
What would Christmas be were it an unencumbered Christmas? We will never know. Think of it:
Christmas planning
Christmas cards
Christmas tree shopping or cutting
Christmas decorating
Christmas baking
Christmas sewing
Christmas shopping
Christmas wrapping
Christmas mailing
Christmas parties
Christmas travel
Christmas traffic
Christmas visitors
We could dispense with all of the above and still have Christmas! And then add in–for some an afterthought, but for us the essentials which contribute to our appreciation of Christmas–our church related study and worship activities.
How blessed were the shepherds. They were waiting. That was it. Otherwise they were at work “keeping watch over their flock by night.” They made no preparation. Suddenly came the announcement: “Fear not . . . For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord” (Lk. 2:10-11).
With no prior preparation, not even an arrangement for a “sheep-sitter,” they made their way with haste to Bethlehem where they found everything just as they had been told. There was the Baby, their Savior, wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. Then they went back to work! Oh, yes, along the way they glorified and praised the Lord for all the things that they had heard and seen as it had been told unto them.
A simple Christmas! An unforgettable Christmas for the Shepherds. They had seen their Savior, their Life, their Hope, their Joy.
It is He whom we also see, but in the Word–the Word made flesh, our Savior and our Guarantor of heaven. There is no hidden meaning to Christmas; no deeper meaning than what the Father has Himself put in it. No mystery beyond that inherent in the event itself. Jesus, the Son of God–true man, conceived of the Holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary–is my Lord and Savior.
Make haste to the Word at Christmas and throughout the new year. Contemplate and rejoice, as did the shepherds!
It is probably too late for 1999. But think about it. Wouldn’t an unencumbered Christmas be a blessing? So simple, so quiet–a little “peace” of heaven before we get there. Nothing can destroy the fulness of forgiveness in the Christchild or the promise of life eternal to all who believe in Him.
In spite of the activity and din of Christmas season, may you know the fulness of peace in Jesus. Only, please take time with your family and fellow Christians to enjoy the message the shepherds heard. You will know the shepherd’s joy.
–Pastor Daniel Fleischer