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An Advent/Christmas Gradual

Break forth, O beauteous heav'nly Light,
And usher in the morning;
Ye shepherds, shrink not with affright,
But hear the angel's warning.
This Child, now weak in infancy,
Our confidence and joy shall be,
The pow'r of Satan breaking,
Our peace eternal making.

--Stanza 7 of "Ermuntre dich, mein schwacher Geist." John Rist; 
used by J. S. Bach in his Christmas Oratorio, Part 2; translated by 
Dr. Chas. S. Terry

This heav'nly Light is now a sign:
A Child to you is given.
You need no more in sorrow pine,
He shares with you His heaven.
He'll rise from death, and you shall see
Your God through all eternity.
To sing His praise forever 
Shall be your chief endeavor.

--Words by G. W. Mueller, to be sung with the familiar stanza above.