This is a list of “start-up” congregations who are being served by an off-site pastor. Some meet in homes, others in rented facilities. Also included are our two CLC exploratory missions in Gold Canyon, Ariz. and Grand Rapids/Cadillac, Mich. Visitors are warmly welcomed. Those who are considering a move, or are just traveling through the area, are encouraged to contact these groups and worship with them.
LOCATION PASTOR IN CHARGE LAY PERSON TO CONTACT -------- ---------------- --------------------- Arizona, Warren Fanning Gerald Gehling Gold Canyon 602-983-8518 602-983-9052 California, Michael Sprengeler Stockton 510-886-3252 Colorado, Delwyn Mass Chuck Seelye Colorado Springs 303-278-7216 719-685-5848 Florida, John Schierenbeck Paul Kuehne Orlando 941-299-4084 407-277-2183 Florida, Paul Larsen Bob Doriot Coral Springs 941-423-1822 or 305-429-0063 (North Fort 941-423-2728 Lauderdale) Georgia, Vance Fossum Wayne Everhart Atlanta area 803-796-0770 706-654-4645 Info Line: 770-409-9120 Michigan, Walter Schaller Bob Remus Cadillac, 616-791-7552 616-832-2687 Reed City Michigan, Walter Schaller Harald Schillinger Grand Rapids 616-791-7552 616-453-6609 Minnesota, John Ude Reuben Streich Kimball 612-784-8784 320-453-7562 (St. Cloud Area) New Mexico, Norbert Reim Robin Vogsland Albuquerque 602-974-8911 505-892-6934 North Dakota, Theodore Barthels Gary Pansch Fargo 218-847-2080 701-277-1727 Ohio, Mark Bernthal Columbus/ 517-792-9390 Cleveland Texas, James Naumann Local Contact Amarillo 719-336-5773 806-358-3717 Texas, Thomas Schuetze Richard Ehret Killeen 972-733-4535 817-526-7697 Texas, Daniel Fleischer Buddy Hovda Weslaco 512-241-5147 956-565-2851 (Rio Grande Valley) Virginia, Timothy Holland David Loop Fairfax 704-692-7731 703-250-2020 (Wash. DC area) Washington, Terrel Kesterson Withrow 509-327-4203 Wisconsin, Mark Gurath Kirby Pabst Brice Prairie 715-833-8967 608-781-0835 (LaCrosse area) Wisconsin, Gordon Radtke Fairchild 715-834-6280