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In Our CLC Classrooms —

Another Conference School Opened

Following the lead of three sister churches of the Pacific Coast Conference, St. Stephen of Mountain View, Calif. is undertaking its own day school, with grades K-3 opening this fall.

Early in July Miss Sara Pfeiffer, a 1995 graduate of the Education Department at ILC, was installed as principal/teacher. She will be assisted by the pastor and several volunteers, including an administrator who will be responsible for business affairs and records.

By happy accident (or rather, divine design), the church facility is able to provide two handsomely furnished classrooms (one with fold-door division), an office, and a gated play-yard. After beginning with K-3, an additional grade is planned for each year following.

Spokane, Washington

Gethsemane of Spokane was the first of the CLC mission churches of the Pacific Coast to become self-supporting and start a school. Twenty years ago this fall. Mr. Matthew Thurow, an ILC graduate, will be installed after he completes some supplementary certification in December. Meanwhile Pastor Robert List is acting principal. The teaching staff includes Nona Schaller, Susan Panther, Marlys Gerth, and Donna McCoul.

Lynnwood, Washington

Eleven years ago Redemption of Lynnwood opened its school. This fall Quinn Sprengeler came from Immanuel High in Mankato to take over the school, which currently offers grades K-5. Participation continues steady.

Phoenix, Arizona

After only three years Holy Cross School is enjoying the kind of steady growth in enrollment that impels building expansion plans. Mark Kranz is principal. Roberta Beckelman is part-time staff.

–Rollin A. Reim