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The Miracle of Pentecost Continues

If I were to ask you what the greatest miracle of Pentecost is, what comes to mind?  The sound coming from heaven as of a rushing, mighty wind? Probably not so much. The tongues appearing to be fire that sat upon each of the disciples on that Pentecost morning? It’s likely more of us think of that miraculous sign since it happened only on that special Day. Many may think of how the apostles (whose mother-tongue was Aramaic)The Miracle of Pentecost Continues

Seized By The Spirit

When I was around twelve years old, I was walking home on a dusty Dakota road because the family tractor had quit on me. A neighbor stopped to give me a ride. Not much later he started gesticulating and speaking gibberish. I crowded the door, ready to bail out if necessary. Then suddenly he stopped the unusual actions and noises. Looking at me, he smiled and told me not to be afraid. He explained that he had been grabbed by the Spirit and was just speaking in tongues!

Seized By The Spirit