What’s in a Name?

Of all the names ascribed to Jesus in the Bible, which is your favorite?
That is a tough question, I suppose, because every name given to Jesus shines forth with special beauty: Good Shepherd, Redeemer, Light of the World,the Lord our Righteousness (and dozens more).How can one pick a favorite from such a list? Each tells something special about our Savior—who He is, what He has done for us, what wonderful reasons we have to love and serve Him.Yet there is a name we might be encouraged to rejoice in especially at this season of the year (Lent). I’m thinking of the name given to Jesus by John the Baptist: Lamb of God.
Consider the gospel comfort contained in this gorgeous name!
In Old Testament times lambs played an important role in the worship lives of God’s people. Each morning and evening, at God’s direction, the priest took a lamb, slaughtered it, and offered it as a sacrifice.Through this worship ritual God was picturing for them what the promised Messiah would do. He would offer His sinless life as the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world.
And do you remember the account of the Passover recorded in Exodus chapter 12? God instructed the Israelites to choose a lamb from their flock (a one-year old male and a perfect specimen), bring it home and take care of it for two weeks.What’s in a Name?