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Surveying the Wondrous Cross

We are entering what many consider to be their favorite season of the church year – the season of Lent.

Isn’t it interesting that some appreciate the somber season of Lent more than the excitement of a newborn Savior at Christmas? Or the exuberant joy of victory over death at Easter? Without Lent Christmas would be irrelevant; without Lent we would not know the full joy of Easter.Surveying the Wondrous Cross

You Killed God

I am determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
I Corinthians 2:2

I wonder how many outsiders and non-members read these pages.

I hope there are some, because we have a message for you. And it should offend you in at least two ways.You Killed God

The Huntsman

A first-person Lenten parable on contrition and repentance

It appeared to be such a splendid day.

Light filtered through the overhanging boughs showing well the path I trod. The sounds of the forest held no warning. The cheerful song of birds, the droning of some busy insects, the rustling of branches as a gentle wind came through, but then I heard it though faintly, but with an increasing tenor.The Huntsman