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Comfort For All Penitent Sinners

Please Read Chapter 21 of John’s Gospel

Comfort was surely what Peter needed on the eve of Good Friday when he left the courtyard of the high priest’s palace. He was overwhelmed with guilt and shame at what he had done. Three times he had been identified as a disciple of Jesus and three times he had responded by denying that he even knew Him. Peter wept bitterly.Comfort For All Penitent Sinners

Hope Rests on Grace

Lord God, hear us: help us to hear You. Amen.

Does anyone love you? I suppose there are times that we may feel unloved.  However, I am sure that every one of you is loved by someone and probably by many.

Think of one person who loves you [pause]. Okay. Now ask yourself, “Can I always depend on that love?”

Is your hope for a happy, peaceful, productive future based on the love that this person has for you? As much as this person might love you, there will be disappointments. Hope Rests on Grace

Strong In Grace We Shall Prevail!

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15

Please read 2 Timothy 2:1-13

In the final letter to his spiritual son and young assistant Timothy, the apostle Paul encouraged: “Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands” (2 Timothy 1:6).Strong In Grace We Shall Prevail!

What Should Christian Pastors Preach About On Christmas?

“Christmas is giving!”

How often haven’t we heard that statement? And properly understood, it is correct.

However, the majority of people who hear that statement would think of the giving of gifts, the giving of love, the giving of help and kindness. None of that is wrong except that it misses the real point of Christmas, the real reason for our worship, the real reason for this holiday!

“I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”  John 8:12 So what should Christian pastors preach about on Christmas? No doubt we’d be surprised by the answers if we asked the question of people on the street. We might even be surprised by the answers some church members might give. In fact, we might even be surprised by the answers some pastors might give.

We would probably hear answers that would range from “pastors should preach about love and sharing” to “pastors should preach about working at bringing about peace on earth among nations and people.” We might hear answers such as “pastors should preach on the grace of giving or how we should feed the hungry and house the homeless.”

But this article was not written to find out what I think pastors should preach about on Christmas nor what you or any other person thinks, but what God thinks.

And that is exactly what Christian pastors should preach about on Christmas — about what God says: His Word (and not only on Christmas but everyday)!

During the Christmas season Christian pastors should preach THAT GOD’S GRACE IN CHRIST SAVES.What Should Christian Pastors Preach About On Christmas?