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Biology and Theology—At Odds?

We, our children and young people, need to know how our Christian faith is under attack from pro-evolutionist elements in the church (!) as well as in the secular, humanistic world outside of it.

How sad that the church—external Christianity—is more and more caving in to theistic evolution. This is happening in our day not so subtly (see footnote 1). Various aspects and assertions of evolution are more and more being accepted under the guise of science even in formerly conservative, Bible-believing circles.

Case in point: last fall a young thirty-something husband and wife, new arrivals in town, dropped by for worship at our CLC church (Redeemer, Cheyenne). After the worship service, in the process of telling us they were searching for a conservative Lutheran Church, they proceeded to inform us that both of them were instructors in the field of biology at the local junior college.Biology and Theology—At Odds?

In the Beginning

On vacation in Washington D.C. last summer our family visited a number of the famed Smithsonian museums in that city. The one that struck me most was the National Museum of Natural History which was featuring an exhibit on human origins.

The director of the Museum, Cristián Samper, said this about the purpose of the 20.7 million dollar exhibit: “The hall offers the opportunity to explore the scientific finds that shed light on one of the really significant sparks to human curiosity—our own origins.”In the Beginning

The Amazing Power of God’s Word

“By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.” Hebrews 11:3

It is that time of year when we enjoy getting out in nature and looking at the beauty of God’s creation.

Family trips taken to national or state parks often become treasured memories. We recall the wondrous vistas from a mountain-top or even just a bluff, the grandeur of the vastness of the sea, the mysteries of a cave, or the beauty of canyon formations.

Even watching the sun set over a lake can call forth a confession of faith from the child of God who marvels at how God called all this forth with the power of His Word.

Of course, visits to publicly-run parks may also mean that we encounter the evolutionist’s view on the origins of the universe. What evolutionists see as a chance happening—that supposedly took place with countless millions of precisely accurate accidents occurring at the exactly necessary moments so that the world came into existence with all its wonders—we creationists see and know as the wonderful works of God!

The nature scenes which cause us to marvel as we make our way on our summer vacation trips are evidence of the majesty and power of God. With the power of His Word He called things as if they were—and indeed they were there in all their complexity, in all their beauty!The Amazing Power of God’s Word

Worth More Than Many Sparrows

When God created the Earth and the world and all that is in it, man was the crowning jewel of creation. Man was created and placed on the Earth as the unique expression of divine creation. Adam was created a special creature—formed from the dust of earth. Into his nostrils was breathed the breath of life “and man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7). It was “not good that man should be alone” (2:18), but there was none among all the animals God created that was a suitable mate for Adam. Consequently, God took of the rib of Adam and made of it woman, the perfect mate for Adam—spiritually, emotionally, sexually, and morally.Worth More Than Many Sparrows