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Children of God By Grace Alone!

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As we read in the Gospel of Luke chapter 1, when the eighth day came for Zacharias and Elizabeth’s new baby boy to be circumcised, it was assumed that he would be given his father’s name,  according to the custom of the times.Such was not the case here—not even close! When Zacharias had been struck speechless for his unbelief regarding his fathering a son in his advanced age, we are told, “They all marveled” when Zacharias wrote: “His name is John” (Luke 1:63).

Children of God By Grace Alone!

God’s Sacred Institution

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It happened one hundred years ago on April 15, 1912. The newly commissioned steamer, the RMS Titanic, struck an iceberg and foundered in the north Atlantic Ocean. Among the passengers was an elderly couple, Isidor and Ida Straus, who had been married forty-one years. As the doomed ship sank slowly but surely into the sea, Isidor and Ida were seen standing near a lifeboat. The officer in charge urged them to climb on board, but Isidor refused to do so as long as there were women and children still remaining on the ship. Isidor urged his wife to get into the lifeboat, but she declined. “We have lived together for many years,” she said. “Where you go, I go.” They were among the drowning victims of the Titanic disaster.

God’s Sacred Institution

Word Associations

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Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

If we were to play a word association game using the word education, what thoughts would first come to our minds?

Those who live in Wisconsin as I do, would no doubt have fresh memories involving a year of turmoil in our public school system. Words such as tenure, benefits, contracts, standards, recall, and vouchers have been bandied about.

But the problems don’t stop there. Along with challenging political issues come a myriad of social concerns. Words such as bullying, sexting, broken families, drug abuse, metal detectors, gay-straight alliances, early childhood sex ed, have also… and unfortunately… become commonplace when discussing the education of our youth.

What about Christian education? Is it immune to the political and social problems of society at large? … in our Christian homes children are besieged by the devil, the sinful world,and their fleshly desires (as are their parents and teachers).

What about Christian education? Is it immune to the political and social problems of society at large? Of course not. Both in parochial schools and in our Christian homes children are besieged by the devil, the sinful world, and their fleshly desires (as are their parents and teachers).Word Associations