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Christ’s Going-away Presents

Jesus knew what was ahead for His followers. When He gave them the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations, to baptize and to teach them all things (Matthew 28:18-20),

He did not leave them powerless. He gave them the gifts necessary to carry out that task, and He promised them that He would be with them!

Christ’s ascension could have been a very discouraging event for the disciples, just as His death was at first. But the Lord Jesus did not forsake them, for He gave gifts to them and to every believer—gifts which are meant for the spiritual unity and growth of His Holy Christian Church on Earth.Christ’s Going-away Presents

King Comfort

No, this writing is not intended to be a promotion for a bedding or mattress company! Rather, it has to do with Jesus and the comfort He sends from heaven where He reigns as our King.Actually, though, the gospel allows us to go to bed and sleep in peace and comfort (Psalm 4:8)!

The word “comfort” occurs frequently in the Bible as well as in worldly writings. Take Shakespeare, for example. In The Tragedy of King Richard II we find the Queen and others troubled, woeful, and sad (Act II, Scene ii). The Duke of York walks in, and she asks him to “speak comfortable words.” His answer contains a memorable line: “Comfort’s in heaven; and we are on the earth, where nothing lives but crosses, pain, and grief.”

It is a grim line, but it makes one think of heaven and the comfort there.

Yet this comfort is not just a “thing” or a “commodity.” It is a Person! Our Comfort in heaven is Christ Himself. And His Ascension and Session (being seated) provide us with much comfort down here, before we get to heaven.King Comfort