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Comfort For All Penitent Sinners

Please Read Chapter 21 of John’s Gospel

Comfort was surely what Peter needed on the eve of Good Friday when he left the courtyard of the high priest’s palace. He was overwhelmed with guilt and shame at what he had done. Three times he had been identified as a disciple of Jesus and three times he had responded by denying that he even knew Him. Peter wept bitterly.Read More »Comfort For All Penitent Sinners

Sheep & Shepherds

“The Lord is my Shepherd.”

What an amazing truth that is! The eternal, almighty Lord of heaven and earth is MY Shepherd. He takes care of my every need so that “I shall not want.” I will not lack any good thing.

Few books draw the reader to know and feel the love of the Savior as does this account of life under the care of the Good Shepherd. From our being lost Read More »Sheep & Shepherds

Jesus, The Conqueror Of Death

Please read John 20:1-31 in box below

On the wall in our fellowship hall hangs a portrait given in memory of Mabel Lenning, a child of God.

The artwork was produced by Roger Loveless, and is simply entitled, “My Redeemer Lives.” It captures the familiar scene that is a portion of the reading you just completed from the 20th chapter of the Gospel of John.Read More »Jesus, The Conqueror Of Death

The Apologetical Encounter

“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”  (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)Read More »The Apologetical Encounter