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“Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart” TLH 429, LSB 708

Martin Schalling’s (1532-1608) Lutheran roots were deep. A graduate of the University of Wittenberg where Luther had once taught, he had been a student of Luther’s dear friend Philip Melanchthon. He was also a close friend of Nicolaus Selnecker, one of the authors of the “Formula of Concord”. Surrounded by such “Reformation royalty,” Schalling was a teacher, a superintendent, and then a court preacher by 1576.Read More »“Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart” TLH 429, LSB 708


Human beings, young and old, forget. We forget promises, events, names, and locations. Then, something happens to trigger a long-forgotten memory. It comes back to… Read More »REMEMBER

Elisha’s Bears vs. Judah’s Lion


Most people seem fascinated by contests, whether they be athletic games, car races, or spelling bees.
TV programming has brought us fight-to-the-death encounters between mongooses and cobras, alligators and Burmese pythons. They once even showed a fight between a bear and bull. The poor bull didn’t last long. Holy Scripture also references many animals, including bears and lions. Who would win in a contest between these two opponents?
In one corner are Elisha’s bears. As the prophet was traveling up from Jericho to Bethel (2 Kings 2:23-25), he was met by a gang of young men. They mocked Elisha saying, “Go on up, baldy!” Their mockery was not based on Elisha’s uphill walk, but rather was a reference to Elijah’s recent ascension. Thus, they were challenging God’s prophet to follow suit, as if the ascension were a joke.Read More »Elisha’s Bears vs. Judah’s Lion