Spiritual Distancing
It may end up becoming the 2020 phrase of the year, as it has dominated our lives over these last months. You guessed it: social distancing. Maintaining a safe distance from others who may be… Spiritual Distancing
It may end up becoming the 2020 phrase of the year, as it has dominated our lives over these last months. You guessed it: social distancing. Maintaining a safe distance from others who may be… Spiritual Distancing
Not long after retiring and relocating to another city, this writer had a backyard “over the fence” (literally) get-acquainted visit with a next-door neighbor. Upon my mentioning that I was a retired Lutheran minister, the… The ELCA and ‘Easy’ Lutheranism*
“…All flesh is as grass, And all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. The grass withers, And its flower falls away, But the word of the Lord endures forever” (1 Peter 1:24-25).
Written by: Pastor Paul Naumann • Tacoma, Washington
A geology professor at the University of Wisconsin once made a stunningly frank admission to an auditorium filled with undergraduates.THE THEORIES OF SCIENCE CHANGE – THE FACTS OF THE BIBLE DO NOT
(Fourth of eight) We have indicated in previous articles that it is possible for believers in Christ to experience already now the beauty and joy of Christian fellowship.