Faithful through the grave—into Lutheran SpokesmanApril 26, 2012January 2, 2012Faithful through the grave—into glory.
Satan chooses victims where he Lutheran SpokesmanApril 25, 2012January 2, 2012Satan chooses victims where he may.
Not just a theory, but real Lutheran SpokesmanApril 24, 2012January 2, 2012Not just a theory, but real love.
Foot-washing as His loving Lutheran SpokesmanApril 23, 2012January 2, 2012Foot-washing as His loving service.
God works better than His servants Lutheran SpokesmanApril 21, 2012January 2, 2012God works better than His servants do.
The closing chapter of Jesus’ Lutheran SpokesmanApril 20, 2012January 2, 2012The closing chapter of Jesus’ ministry.
Evidence will validate His Lutheran SpokesmanApril 19, 2012January 2, 2012Evidence will validate His judgment.
Invest your talents for growth!by Lutheran SpokesmanApril 18, 2012January 2, 2012Invest your talents for growth!
The wise come equipped for the long Lutheran SpokesmanApril 17, 2012January 2, 2012The wise come equipped for the long haul.
What are the tribulations of our day?by Lutheran SpokesmanApril 16, 2012January 2, 2012What are the tribulations of our day?