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Rejoice! Your King Comes to You.

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Written by: Nathan Pfeiffer pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Spokane, Washington.

What if I told you that the President of the United States was going to come to visit you personally, and needed you to pick him up at the Greyhound bus station? It would never happen, right? He’s too busy to visit you personally and too powerful to ever ride a bus!

Observing how today’s powerful people get around and who they spend their time with makes the events of Palm Sunday all Rejoice! Your King Comes to You.

From Triumph to Travesty—to Triumph!

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On that first Palm Sunday Jesus rode into Jerusalem as a hero,
but He would go out in a much different manner.

From triumph to travesty may well describe our Savior’s entry into the city—until He triumphed for us on the cross.

Yes, our Savior rode into Jerusalem to die the death of the cross. How many of those who gathered that day to welcome the King of Glory would soon turn on Him and demand His death?

Jesus rode into town on “a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Matthew 21:5). From Triumph to Travesty—to Triumph!

“Everybody Loves a Parade”?

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PALM SUNDAY: (Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-10; Luke 19:29-40; John 12:12-15)

It has been said that everybody loves a parade. Large crowds of people young and old flock curbside to watch Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, the Rose Bowl Parade, or the St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

What makes parades popular are beautiful floats, waving celebrities decked out in finery, marching bands, and giant-size balloon characters. Many say they like parades because of the fun-filled entertainment and positive atmosphere.“Everybody Loves a Parade”?