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No Prayer Barrier

Heavenly Father, hear our prayers and accept our praises for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

seal3What we see and hear this day is a wondrous thing. The fact that this school exists is wondrous. The fact that you are here is wondrous. The fact that there are teachers and staff is wondrous. Most wondrous of all is the fact that this school, its students, faculty, and staff have the Word of God with its gospel of salvation.No Prayer Barrier

Hope Rests on Grace

Lord God, hear us: help us to hear You. Amen.

Does anyone love you? I suppose there are times that we may feel unloved.  However, I am sure that every one of you is loved by someone and probably by many.

Think of one person who loves you [pause]. Okay. Now ask yourself, “Can I always depend on that love?”

Is your hope for a happy, peaceful, productive future based on the love that this person has for you? As much as this person might love you, there will be disappointments. Hope Rests on Grace

Chapel Talk on Chapter 20 of the Book: Out Of Necessity

Dear Friends in Christ,

Chapter 20 of the history of the CLC is entitled “The Changing Times.”

Everyone will have to admit that there have been many changes in the world and in the church world since our church body was organized in 1960. But have there been changes in the Church of the Lutheran Confession?


By God’s grace our doctrinal platform remains the same now as it was then. That is good, because it is written: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” How happy we can be that God does not change! Nor does His love for us sinners change! Jesus died for the sins of the world, rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven. Those facts do not change, and they assure us that our sins are forgiven, and we have a place in heaven reserved for us.Chapel Talk on Chapter 20 of the Book: Out Of Necessity