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This We Believe

A Review of Dr. Martin Luther’s  Smalcald Articles

1. Of the Divine Majesty/Redemption/Salvation by Grace

When God’s Word is attacked, the salvation of souls is in jeopardy. For that reason, Christians must stand up and proclaim the truth of God’s Word boldly and clearly. We do that not only as a testimony to those who promote error but also for the sake of those who have been deceived and led astray by the error.This We Believe

A Closer Look at the Smalcald Articles (SA) (Second of Three)

75th Anniversary of the SMALCALD ARTICLES

“…The Word of God shall establish articles of faith and no one else, not even an angel.” (Luther, SA, Part II, Art. II)

Historical Setting

This year is the 475th anniversary of the Smalcald Articles (SA) which were penned by Dr. Martin Luther in 1537. The boxed dateline shows where these articles occurred in the busy reformer’s life.

Luther was busy indeed as—with the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God, and with conscience bound to that Word—he spearheaded the protracted 16th century Lutheran Reformation.A Closer Look at the Smalcald Articles (SA) (Second of Three)

The Testimony Of Confidence

“Treasuring Our Heritage of Truth” – Third of Three…

The divinely inspired letter to the Ephesians is all about the Church of Jesus Christ – of which we are members by the grace of God, redeemed and forgiven by the blood of Christ, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ as the Head and chief Cornerstone. In Ephesians chapter 4 we are given the marvelous Master-plan for the edification (building up) of His Church.The Testimony Of Confidence

Immanuel — God with Us!

Surveying CLC History From the 25th Anniversary Booklet (1985) “Reflections – Projections” “Projection” Number Twelve of twelve (series concluded) Pastor Norbert Reim (1918-2007) How we humans would love to draw aside the curtain and take… Immanuel — God with Us!

Surveying CLC History

From the 25th Anniversary Booklet (1985) “Reflections–Projections” “Projection” Number Eleven of Twelve THANKSGIVING I. TO BE SHARED II. KNOWING WHAT TO DO WITH A LOT “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to… Surveying CLC History