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Biology and Theology—At Odds?

We, our children and young people, need to know how our Christian faith is under attack from pro-evolutionist elements in the church (!) as well as in the secular, humanistic world outside of it.

How sad that the church—external Christianity—is more and more caving in to theistic evolution. This is happening in our day not so subtly (see footnote 1). Various aspects and assertions of evolution are more and more being accepted under the guise of science even in formerly conservative, Bible-believing circles.

Case in point: last fall a young thirty-something husband and wife, new arrivals in town, dropped by for worship at our CLC church (Redeemer, Cheyenne). After the worship service, in the process of telling us they were searching for a conservative Lutheran Church, they proceeded to inform us that both of them were instructors in the field of biology at the local junior college.Biology and Theology—At Odds?

The Japan Disaster — “What is Man…?”

My wife and I were privileged to visit the Hawaiian islands for the first time recently—in fact, just a week or so before the Japan catastrophies. The islands give abundant evidence of volcanic eruptions and lands formed at least to a degree by lava flows (yes, on one calm day a tour-guide warned of the danger of tsunamis!).

But one surely comes away from such a trip with great admiration for the beauty of creation, on the one hand, and with considerable respect for the destruction that “nature” can cause, on the other.The Japan Disaster — “What is Man…?”

Civility and the January 8th and January 23rd Mass Murders

A Christian Perspective

With regard to the January 8 Tucson tragedy we find it interesting that the nation—from the President on down—pretty much stopped in its tracks for a couple weeks to mark and decry the act of a deranged individual who killed six people and injured another fifteen or so, including an Arizona congresswoman.

Yes, we find it interesting—and distressing! What is beyond sad is that far fewer “stopped in their tracks” a couple weeks later to mark the on-going abortion holocaust happening in the nation.Civility and the January 8th and January 23rd Mass Murders

Dare to be a Daniel…

Daniel’s Vision of the Messiah

I was watching in the night visions, and behold, One  like the Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought  Him near before Him…” Daniel7:13.

This “Son of Man,” theMessiah in human form, came riding on the clouds of heaven. And more than that: “He came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought Him near before Him.” The term “Ancient of Days” is the prophet Daniel’s special name for Jehovah God, the eternal God. Picture, if you will, the awe-inspiring scene of the Messiah in His state of glory being led and escorted by the angel hosts into the presence of His Heavenly Father, the Ancient of Days!Dare to be a Daniel…

Many Thanks…

I apologize for an editorial oversight, failing to mention in the hard copy magazine that Brother Paul Koch, “retired” member of our staff, took it upon himself again this year to compile the Daily Readings. Well, they… Many Thanks…