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The PERFECT Present

Fellow Worshippers of God’s Perfect Christmas Gift—  The cover of a recent Sunday newsmagazine said, “There’s still time to find the perfect present for Christmas.” And then it was said, “Check inside for last minute… The PERFECT Present


Dear brethren: With Jacob at the brook Jabbok I say: “O God of my father Abraham and God of my father Isaac…I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all… THANK YOU!

The ELCA and Bankrupt Lutheranism

By Pastor Paul Fleischer, July 1989

An acquaintance regularly passes along to us The Lutheran, the magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). We peruse its contents, since we are not unconcerned about what is being said (written) and done in “mainstream” Lutheranism.

The contents of the magazine are indicative to us of how far from traditional (biblical) Lutheranism the ELCA has fallen. The profile of Lutheranism painted in practically every issue is more and more unrecognizable to us as deserving of the Lutheran name. The ELCA and Bankrupt Lutheranism

Father’s Day

It’s surely true as various billboards around town are proclaiming these days: “Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad.” A “Wyoming Marriage and Family News” flyer that recently… Father’s Day