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The Testimony Of Confidence

“Treasuring Our Heritage of Truth” – Third of Three…

The divinely inspired letter to the Ephesians is all about the Church of Jesus Christ – of which we are members by the grace of God, redeemed and forgiven by the blood of Christ, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ as the Head and chief Cornerstone. In Ephesians chapter 4 we are given the marvelous Master-plan for the edification (building up) of His Church.The Testimony Of Confidence

Berea — Then and Now

50th Anniversary Observance “Berea–Then and Now” was the theme of Professor Steven Sippert’s message to 50th anniversary worshipers at Berea Lutheran Church of Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota, on June 20, 1010. Exterior of Berea Lutheran… Berea — Then and Now