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Lutheran Spokesman

CW Hymn 147, TLH Hymn 207 “For Your Baptism Which Has Saved Me”

What, would you say, is water worth?

There’s no question that, as an element necessary for life, it is of great value. And yet, its prevalence on earth makes it relatively inexpensive. On a rainy day it’s even free.

There are, however, versions which do fetch a higher price. The bottled variety, for example. A liter can sell for around a dollar. And, according to the bottlers, with good reason. Labels often identify it as water that has been “purified.”

So what about the value of water which is even more special? If a dollar is a fair price for water that is purified, what is the value of water that is purifying? Purification, after all, is something desperately needed by everyone, since every person is born impure and has sinned.Read More »CW Hymn 147, TLH Hymn 207 “For Your Baptism Which Has Saved Me”


TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date / Verse / Reading Comments

Aug 1 TLH 154 Dan 6:1-9 Out of envy, Daniel’s enemies plotted against him. Out of envy, Jesus’ enemies did the same (Matthew 27:18).

Aug 2 WS 761 Dan 6:10-16 We can stand firm when our faith is tested, too, knowing that God is at our side.

Aug 3 TLH 25 Dan 6:17-28 God not only saved Daniel from the lions, but also used the event to glorify His name
(vv. 25-28).

Aug 4WS 7601 John 4:1-5Beware of those around you who speak from the viewpoint of the world. It really is different from the viewpoint of Christ.Read More »“BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS August 2017