What do you remember about the first day of school? It’s always exciting, isn’t it? New clothes, new school supplies, possibly a new classroom, a new seating arrangement. If you struggled with your math last year, there’s good news! The new school year brings a fresh start. Even those of you who dreaded school must admit that you felt that certain spark the very first day. Now compare that with what you remember about the one-hundredth day. The feelings just aren’t the same. It’s not long until the excitement wears off, new clothes and supplies become old, frustration with classes builds up, and children begin making excuses to stay home.
I wonder if the disciples shared similar feelings the week after Easter. After Jesus died, confusion and dismay filled the disciples’ hearts. Fear was also present, as we know they had locked themselves in a room, afraid of the Jews. But all those feelings evaporated in an instant when their Lord appeared to them behind locked doors and announced, “Peace be with you.” (John 20:19) What peace! What joy! Their teacher Who was dead was now alive! Their lives, which appeared to be ending, had been restored! They were given a fresh start.Back to School Joy